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Beyond the 5 love languages​

Discover the Depth of Love: Explore the 8 Expressions of Love

The latest research shows there are more than 5 love languages. There are actually 8 unique ways of expressing love that shape how we interact with those around us.

Beyond the 5 love languages​

Discover your unique Love Style

The latest research shows there are more than 5 love languages. There are actually 8 unique ways of expressing love that shape how we interact with those around us.

Love is complex. Over three decades ago, Dr. Gary Chapman made a significant stride in this arena with his ‘5 Love Languages’ test, a concept that helped millions navigate their relationships. It’s been over 3 decades since the Love Language test was born, in the 1980s. Critics of the original 5 Love Language test point out that the theory was founded on a relatively homogenous and limited demographic – specifically, married, heterosexual, Christian couples. These critics argue that this foundation does not adequately cater to the diverse dynamics and needs inherent in today’s varied landscape of relationships.


In response to the need for a more comprehensive, in-depth, and nuanced perspective on love, we’ve developed BlossomUp’s 8 Expressions of Love test. This unique model is designed to capture a wider range of the emotional, intellectual, and physical expressions of love that exist in our diverse and ever-evolving society. 


Our main categories and their respective sub-categories offer a more personalized understanding of love, recognizing the multifaceted ways in which individuals experience and express this profound emotion. It’s not a replacement of the original 5 Love Languages test, but an expansion that reflects the vast spectrum of love in all its forms.


The Five Love Languages® is a registered trademark of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, which has no affiliation with BlossomUp, the 8 Expressions of Love, or this site.

8 Unique Expressions of Love:
Grow Into The Highest Version Of You

As popular as they are, traditional love languages have always been questioned by science due to their lack of accuracy and empirical support. The latest research shows that rather than just five, there are 8 love languages that more precisely summarize different forms of loving. These 8 love languages will help you comprehend your unique way of expressing love and how it shapes how you interact with those around you.

Romantic young couple

Nurturing Communication

finds its ground in thoughtful & quality conversation. People who identify with this love language are easily nurtured with words of affirmation and anything that enables deep connections through any form of communication. Emotional connections are developed through insightful conversation and profound understanding forged on thoughtful language.

Romantic young couple on the bike

Time Together

values presence. This love language revolves around quality time spent together and the bond that flourishes from shared experiences. A deep type of intimacy is developed through joint experiences and companionship. Relationships reach particular satisfaction when this need is reciprocated.

Romantic young couple on the beach


as a love language thrives on practical yet thoughtful gestures. Devotion demonstrated with sincere attentiveness goes a long way toward showing true affection. This is mostly demonstrated through everyday service acts such as doing the dishes, taking the pet for a walk, making dinner, and many more.

Romantic young couple sharing gifts

Thoughtful Gifts

are not about the wrapped presents but the consideration attached to them. They can be tangible or intangible, from delightful surprises to carefully chosen items. For individuals who prefer this love language, the thought truly matters. On the other hand, the absence of this attentiveness can result in hurtful reactions and a lack of satisfaction.

Romantic young couple kissing

Physical Affection

requires the encouragement of feelings through the intimacy of various forms of touch. Physical touch love language is not all about sexual activities: embraces, soft traces, or holding hands can also lead to nurturing a better relationship with those who feel particularly inclined to this love language

emotional connection

Emotional Connection

flourishes with profound empathy. This love language values respect, trust, and maturity to stimulate the core of the relationship. Fostering a solid bond through deep and mutual admiration, forged on vulnerability and a sense of belonging will naturally lead to satisfaction.
Intellectual Stimulation

Intellectual Stimulation

values the importance of exploring each other minds and nurturing one another’s wisdom. It finds a particular joy in stimulating conversations and sharing learning journeys. Feeling intellectually and creatively challenged by a partner in a way that leads to growth can be ultimately very satisfying to people who identify with this love expression.
Growth Support

Growth Support

cherishes mutual support, self-improvement, and holistic growth. It places the same importance on chasing mutual goals as individual goals. Personal well-being is central to fostering a strong bond with individuals who cater to this form of loving.

Find Your Unique Way to Express and Receive Love

Beyond the Basics: Exploring Non-Traditional Love Languages

In response to the need for a more comprehensive, in-depth, and nuanced perspective on love, we’ve developed BlossomUp’s 8 Expressions of Love test. This unique model is designed to capture a wider range of the emotional, intellectual, and physical expressions of love that exist in our diverse and ever-evolving society.

Our love language test will allow you to understand how you prefer to perceive and receive love. Love languages being met often signify a healthier and more secure relationship. As everybody experiences love differently, taking a step further and analyzing love from emotional, physical, and intellectual needs will naturally lead to more meticulous results. Although these additional love languages -emotional connection, intellectual stimulation, and growth support- may seem untraditional, consider other aspects of every relationship that traditional love languages often leave out.

Beyond that, a holistic and researched approach to love expressions will give you more detailed insights into how you like to feel valued. Rather than just a simple vague description, BlossomUp offers a scope of metrics, detailed reports, and even recommendations to comprehend further how to live in a comfortable and happy companionship. So, whether you enjoy unapologetic empathy, long and stimulating conversations, or feel thoughtfully supported as you take on new challenges in your career path, we can help you figure out your needs and how you would like them to be met.


A love language is a specific way individuals express and receive love. The concept, introduced by Dr. Gary Chapman, identifies five primary love languages: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Each person has one or more preferred love languages that make them feel most loved and appreciated. Understanding and speaking your partner’s love language enhances communication, strengthens emotional connections, and fosters a deeper, more fulfilling relationship by ensuring both partners feel valued and understood.

Love languages play a crucial role in relationships by helping partners understand how to express and receive love effectively. They include words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. Recognizing each other’s primary love language fosters better communication, enhances emotional connection, and reduces misunderstandings. By speaking your partner’s love language, you ensure they feel valued and appreciated, thereby strengthening the relationship. Understanding and practicing love languages leads to greater relationship satisfaction and a deeper, more intimate bond.

Your love languages significantly affect your relationships by determining how you and your partner express and perceive affection. When partners understand and cater to each other’s primary love languages—be it words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch—they enhance mutual understanding and emotional connection. Misalignment in love languages can lead to misunderstandings and feelings of neglect. Conversely, aligning with each other’s love languages fosters appreciation, reduces conflicts, and strengthens the emotional bond, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship.

1. Words of Affirmation: Expressing love through verbal appreciation, compliments, and kind words.
People with this love language feel valued when they hear positive, encouraging, and affirming statements.

2. Acts of Service: Showing love by doing helpful things for your partner, such as chores, errands, or making them a meal.
Individuals who value this love language appreciate actions that make their lives easier and show thoughtfulness.

3. Receiving Gifts: Giving and receiving thoughtful gifts to express love.
Those who favor this love language feel cherished when they receive meaningful and tangible symbols of affection.

4. Quality Time: Spending undivided, focused time together, engaging in activities or conversations.
People with this love language feel most loved when they receive full attention and enjoy shared experiences with their partner.

5. Physical Touch: Expressing love through physical contact, such as hugging, kissing, holding hands, or cuddling.
Individuals who prioritize this love language feel connected and secure through physical affection and touch.

Take our 5-minute love style test to uncover your unique expression of love.

Discover the Depth of Love